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Zywieckie Suwakowanie 

XVIII edition of the biggest trombone and tuba festival in Poland

9-13 July 2023 

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  2. en
Szymon Klekowicki
21 June 2023

Trombonist, tuba player, composer, arranger. He graduated from the State Music School of the 1st and 2nd degree. Karol Szymanowski in Płock. A graduate of the Jazz Department of the Academy of Music. Karol Szymanowski in Katowice. Lecturer at the State Higher Vocational School in Nysa (2017-2018), teacher at the Primary and Secondary Music School. Bronisław Rutkowski in Krakow (2020 - 2022), from 2022 at ZPSM im. F. Chopin in Warsaw and, from 2023, a lecturer at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw.


He has often conducted workshops for young people from music schools in the field of jazz improvisation, harmony, and big band. Leader of the bands Parnas Brass Band, Szymon Klekowicki Sextet and his own vocal project under his name - Klekowicki.Finalist of many Polish and foreign competitions such as: Burghausen International Jazz Festival, Jazz Improvisation Competition in Katowice, Getxo Jazz Festival, B-Jazz International Contest, Competition for New Jazz Hope as part of the Novum Jazz Festival, Jazz nad Odrą, Swinging Raven at the International Festival Traditional Jazz Hot Jazz Spring, Złota Tarka, Tarnów Jazz Contest.


He collaborated with artists such as: Jamie Cullum, Ron Carter, Jason Moran, Marvin Sewell, Kasia Lins, Baranowski, Ania Dąbrowska, Grzegorz Nagórski, Wiesław Pieregorólka, Lora Szafran, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Ania Rusowicz, Kasia Sienkiewicz, Wojtek Pilichowski, The Dumplings, Sanah, Roksana Węgiel, Vito Bambino, Kwiat Jabłoni, Alicja Węgorzewska, Wojciech Cugowski, Izabela Trojanowska, Krystyna Prońko, Zbigniew Wodecki, Czarno - Czarni, Big Cyc, Kraków Street Band, Łobuzy Lachersi.