Żywieckie Suwakowanie - Logo

Żywieckie Suwakowanie 

XIX edition of the largest trombone and tuba
event in Poland 
 July 20
-26, 2025

Wiktor Wojsyk
24 June 2023

Wiktor Wojsyk is a conductor and trombonist. He is currently a student at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, studying conducting under Prof. Dr. Hab. Monika Wolińska, and trombone under Prof. Dr. Hab. Zdzisław Stolarczyk and Assistant Karol Gajda. He was a member of the Polish Youth Orchestra LYO in 2019. Wiktor has participated in many music festivals and events, including La Folle Journée in France, Choriner Musiksommer in Germany, the Szalone Dni Muzyki festival, the Eufonie Festival in Warsaw, the Niepodległa Festival at Krakowskie Przedmieście, and the concert "Memory and the Future" for the 80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at TW-ON.

He is a laureate of several music competitions as both a chamber musician and soloist. In 2021, he performed as a soloist with the Symphony Orchestra of the Częstochowa Philharmonic. Wiktor has attended symphonic and symphonic-opera conducting masterclasses (including Patrick Fournillier), and trombone masterclasses (including Fabrice Millischer, Håkan Björkman).

As a conductor, he has conducted the Inaugural Concert of the 16th Żywieckie Suwakowanie, the concert "Carmen: Opera in Overview" at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, served as an assistant conductor for the performance of "The Unanswered Question" by Charles Ives in Częstochowa, and conducted many concerts with symphonic arrangements of popular music. He has also conducted with the Polish Radio Orchestra in Warsaw.

Wiktor is also involved in composition and arranging for trombone ensembles and for the AllDęte ensemble, with which he regularly performs as a trombonist.